The Series

10k Hours is a virtual reality documentary experience that takes you inside the journey of diverse experts in varying fields.

Experience these masters' excellence as they do, in the first person, through a virtual reality experience.

Join the expert in their space where you experience their story first-hand, observe and manipulate their tools, and participate in their field.

The Expert

The core experience of 10k Hours is our expert, who grants us exclusive access to the world that they have mastered and everything that comes with it. These experts can run the gamut of experience, from an astronaut to a cutting-edge biologist.

Our first expert is Canadian climber Sean McColl, four-time overall world champion.

The Experience

The user can move through the expert's space, hear their story, interact with photorealistic objects, participate in their tasks, and receive one on one instruction from the expert as they try it out themselves.

Virtual reality controls allow the user to participate in experiences that mirror the expert's own, including climbing a mountain.

The Storytelling

As captivating as the virtual reality is in our project, compelling documentary storytelling is equally important to us.

That said, 10k Hours explores what makes experts masters of their fields in ways a documentary film alone cannot.

Users literally put themselves in the shoes of the masters, who walk us through their history, technique, what they've learned, and how they've learned it.

The Visuals

Our VR experience boasts a life-like, room scale, real-time illuminated, Physically Based Rendered (PBR) environment.

The masters' tools and spaces are exactly reproduced, which the user can explore in great detail at their leisure.

The documentary story is enhanced with video clips, 3D infographics, interactive equipment, and situation aware content, such as expert advice during a trial of the craft.

The Sound

We create a 3D binaural positional sound simulation based directly on the space and objects' physical properties for complete realism.

The documentary experience is further enhanced by having the master's commentary in the user's 'head' during key moments.

The Technology

10k Hours is available for all desktop SteamVR and Oculus headsets. It is a room scale experience that can also be played standing.

Environments and objects are created through photogrammetry scanning for perfect reproduction.

Other Experiences


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